Posts by ChertseyAl


Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeded CPU time quota.

( Message 4787 )
Posted 3119 days ago by Profile ChertseyAl
Please abort the rest. We had a problem with the p38 protein that we isolated and fixed. We will distribute new jobs with the p38 protein on Saturday, This time the error should not be present.

Meanwhile, what happens to the valuable crunching effort that has been discarded? The results are probably valid, but declared invalid by BOINC. Any chance that the results can be used? Or have we just wasted our time due to a dumb configuration problem?




Message boards : Web site : D@H Web Page: study of usability

( Message 4426 )
Posted 3240 days ago by Profile ChertseyAl
the Docking@Home team would like to ask your feedback about the usability and design of our Web page.

Done. The survey was straightforward, only took a few minutes to complete, and allowed enough free-text boxes to make comments.



Message boards : Number crunching : Moving to Beta D@H

( Message 4358 )
Posted 3256 days ago by Profile ChertseyAl
Joined this project today, attached 5 hosts, got work, crunched without problems, credit granted. Trouble-free. If only all projects were this simple to join! :)
