Posts by Sport

1) Message boards : SeriousCrunchers message board ( Message 6582 )
Posted 1985 days ago by Profile Sport
I have another 39 days to 2 mil. :( Hope to add more machines but, Money is tight. Two more duallies in the works.:)

Money is tight everywhere.....All is good my friend I have a Quad DOA waiting for parts and My Media Machine is probably beyond repair...the more the merrier in the future
2) Message boards : SeriousCrunchers message board ( Message 6580 )
Posted 1986 days ago by Profile Sport
Sujo1 tried to blind side me on his way to 2 million Cobbles for SeriousCrunchers....OOPS! I caught that one with a 250K lead (currently that lead is around 300K with acceleration above 250K/day)...I'll have my 2 million in 3 days 4 at the outside from this post date...then; well who knows???

Docking is my favorite project...but alas so many deserving few computers, but mark my long as I can type and have something to type with...Docking@Home will always be my personal 'Baby'

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 6285 )
Posted 2348 days ago by Profile Sport
I am back from this round of travel and will crunch towards the mil for the next 3 or 4 weeks (depending on schedule):}

I'm back from a grueling session @ WCG. I'm having trouble getting all machines crunching; Downloads fail

Message boards : Getting started : "Down Load Failed" Error

( Message 6284 )
Posted 2349 days ago by Profile Sport
I'm trying to bring some 25 Cores back to D@H... 2 machines are running smoothly ...the rest get a download failed's always a plus.jpg and minus.jpg CHKSUM error!!! every machine is configured identically...I think....

any suggestions????

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 6059 )
Posted 2475 days ago by Profile Sport
You go for it Hoss!!...I'm helping another member at another project attain a some momentum; then I'll be back in force!!

In the mean time it's nice to know we have a heavy hitter watching the gates

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 6055 )
Posted 2483 days ago by Profile Sport
Go for it Hoss!!! A Mil at a CPU project is a BIG thing!!!!!

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 5950 )
Posted 2616 days ago by Profile Sport
..Sorry SeriousCrunchers! I've been preoccupied lately...I always leave something here.....but I'm chasing Millions @ CPU Projects....((a couple projects are close ! )) As I hit a Mil at a CPU project; I'll come "FULL BORE" here for awhile before I target the next Million account

With due respect to the management of Docking I won't drop any names....but D@H was my first Million CPU, now I'm closing on a couple more..As long as I 'Crunch' I'll always have at least some kind of production here...AND I watch this account CLOSELY!

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 5732 )
Posted 2719 days ago by Profile Sport
Thanks Sujo...I've cracked back into the top 100...but am helping or friends at TPR at the moment

It appears SC is locked into # 12 @ Docking ...but I'll be back with more hardware after the TPR surge

Message boards : Team Invites and Sigs : SeriousCrunchers

( Message 5718 )
Posted 2740 days ago by Profile Sport
...I'm back with an attitude...SeriousCrunchers will get into the Top Ten!!! I will get back into the Top 100 again

At SeriousCrunchers...we ARE Serious Crunchers
10) Message boards : SeriousCrunchers message board ( Message 5717 )
Posted 2740 days ago by Profile Sport
The winter camping season is thankfully over ...what a Guantlant! All the usual players and few new are back @ SC@Docking...we are sitting at position #12 as a team @ Docking ...without Tony's help I still hope we can crack the "Top Ten"!!

We have a couple 8K/day players and several around 2K..(actual production)

The RAC needs a few more weeks to level out; from our absence

Next 10 posts