Posts by 7ri9991 [MM]


Message boards : Web site : My profile died

( Message 5887 )
Posted 2690 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
I created a profile a while back, but it seems to have died. I click on view and then it tells me the profile for this user does not exist. It doesn't give me the create option though, only view, delete.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5886 )
Posted 2690 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
The abortion was supposed to be codded on the charmm warper, but it is obvious that is not working. We will have to revisit the code to add a reliable way to detect empty or truncated input files

I'm not a programmer, but I play one on web forums. :-D

Message boards : Number crunching : New WU's?

( Message 5881 )
Posted 2690 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
Will there be new work units today? I'm down to my last one.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5880 )
Posted 2690 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
Good luck. BTW, facebook would be a good forum for status problems/updates.

With the screensaver, a quick update "If you see this and your project is at 0%, abort it!" would have sufficed! :)

Except the problem is a 0 data input file. If they can code it to recognize that and switch the screensaver, it would be easier to code it to recognize and abort, or better yet, recognize and re-download. It would be easy to scan an input file for the word "END".

Message boards : Number crunching : Boycott

( Message 5872 )
Posted 2692 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
...The new workunits (problem free) have a name with the word 'crossdocking' the old ones should say 'model0013b'

I've got 11 of the model0013b work units. They've all downloaded cleanly and I've returned 2 results from them so far. Do you still need them? Unless told otherwise I'll finish them.

Now that I look at them closely, I see that they were originally sent out March 11th. I do remember having to go through and abort the ones with the empty and incomplete input files. There are postings on the board by Ananas from early March warning of empty and/or incomplete '.inp' files and to abort them if you find them. It's as easy as noticing a work unit has been going for more than 30 minutes with 0% progress and checking the input files.

Ananas on the subject - Windows
Myself on the subject - Linux

Anyone doing a little research would have seen about the incomplete input files and known to abort them. That's how I found out.

Message boards : Number crunching : Boycott

( Message 5855 )
Posted 2693 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
Sorry, haven't been around to know that I was being treated like crap. I haven't had any problems, but then again, I run linux. I guess if I ran Windows I would have a slightly different attitude. I'd just move on until the app's fixed.

Message boards : Number crunching : Boycott

( Message 5850 )
Posted 2693 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
At least one member of SETI.USA won't be participating in the boycott.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5779 )
Posted 2710 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
I'm finally getting work again and the input files are all complete. It *may* be safe to download work again.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5772 )
Posted 2710 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
You can "abort" the damaged WUs before they start to crunch by deleting all 0-bytes .inp files in advance - but give them time to download ;-)

p.s.: from what I can see, the bad batch is through now, the input files I received lately all had contents.

Everyone keeps asking how to figure out which ones hang. Check the .inp files. Most of the ones that are going to hang are empty files. The ones that will succeed should be roughly 1.2M and end with something like this:
goto donereadpdbfile5

In Linux you can check it with
tail <crossdocking-file>.inp

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5770 )
Posted 2711 days ago by Profile 7ri9991 [MM]
Also stated above, the project admins are looking into the problem.

Thanks Trigggl, yesterday I just noticed Docking WU's being retrieved/deleted/???
But this morning, I had a new load, with the same problems .
Hope they get it fixed, whithout too much hassle :)

I'm doing some RNA work until these problems are cleaned up.

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