Posts by vaughan


Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 7185 )
Posted 1334 days ago by Profile vaughan
And still no reply from Admin.

Tasks still stuck at 1% on machine running Win 7 64-bit AMD Phenom II X6 1090T

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 7177 )
Posted 1344 days ago by Profile vaughan
Lots of computation errors again. Is there a problem with a batch of tasks?

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 7141 )
Posted 1454 days ago by Profile vaughan
Why oh why after years of running this application does Docking @ Home still have tasks that get stuck on 1 percent. I aborted several today that had run, some as long as 10 hours. Also have had many recent tasks giving Computation Errors.

Why is this app so unstable?

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 6371 )
Posted 2230 days ago by Profile vaughan
Does Docking still have the annoying 0.000% progress bug?

G'Day Vaughan,

I have not noticed it in the past two weeks of processing work units.

I am running both Windows and Linux, on 5 AMD Phenom processors and so far there has been no problems at all.


Thanks Conan.

Yes it seems to be behaving now.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 6369 )
Posted 2237 days ago by Profile vaughan
Does Docking still have the annoying 0.000% progress bug?

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 6250 )
Posted 2371 days ago by Profile vaughan
I have aborted all of them.

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 6248 )
Posted 2371 days ago by Profile vaughan
Continue to get problems with 0% progress for some tasks. What file do we need to check for zero length so we can abort the dud tasks early?

Message boards : Number crunching : HELP - Consistant 0% Progress - Client Problem?

( Message 5569 )
Posted 2803 days ago by Profile vaughan
31 hours and still at 0 percent. Estimated run-time is 3 hours WTF.

I stopped BOINC and killed BOINCtray from Windows task manager (why doesn't this process close when you shutdown BOINC?) Win7 64 Ultimate, Intel C2D Wolfdale E8600 @ 4GHz

Restart BOINC, tasks resume at 0 percent done and time is 0 again. Did I just waste 31 hours of crunching?

Developers please address this issue ASAP.

Message boards : Number crunching : Test WUs

( Message 4151 )
Posted 3310 days ago by Profile vaughan
Server status says 77 units ready to send but I get this error message:

7/17/2008 3:43:21 PM|Docking@Home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 5480 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
7/17/2008 3:43:26 PM|Docking@Home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
7/17/2008 3:43:26 PM|Docking@Home|Message from server: No work sent


Win XP Pro SP3 32bit, BOINC 5.10.45