Posts by LanDroid


Message boards : Docking@Home Science : CASP10 Competition

( Message 6708 )
Posted 1938 days ago by LanDroid
Is Docking@Home participating in the CASP10 Competion, coming up in about 2 weeks? I see in the following thread that you did not compete in CASP9 two years ago...

The main goal of CASP is to obtain an in-depth and objective assessment of our current abilities and inabilities in the area of protein structure prediction. To this end, participants will predict as much as possible about a set of soon to be known structures. These will be true predictions, not ‘post-dictions’ made on already known structures.

CASP10 will particularly address the following questions:

Are the models produced similar to the corresponding experimental structure?
Is the mapping of the target sequence onto the proposed structure (i.e. the alignment) correct?
Have similar structures that a model can be based on been identified?
Are comparative models more accurate than can be obtained by simply copying the best template?
Has there been progress from the earlier CASPs?
What methods are most effective?
Where can future effort be most productively focused?