Posts by adrianxw


Message boards : Cafe Docking : Docking@Home is Retiring - Share Your Stories

( Message 7256 )
Posted 1204 days ago by Profile adrianxw
The project has had one or two problems, but nothing too bad, I have regarded it as reliable. I hope we have achieved something. Well done, happy to have helped.

Best wishes for the future.

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 6965 )
Posted 1741 days ago by Profile adrianxw
Another of these that crunches to "completion", ie. remaining changes to "---", but the elapsed goes on up. This is a "1d4j" unit.

This is probably a different problem, I have had several wu's now that run to completion, the elapsed goes up and the remaining goes down, but the percentage done remains at 0.000% so you don't know until some time later if it is a duffer or just a badly behaved good...

This project has had a good number of "accidents" recently.

And another. This, a "1ohr" unit.

Message boards : Number crunching : WUs over 50hr, ETA at --- but still crunching.

( Message 6953 )
Posted 1743 days ago by Profile adrianxw
There are some problems at the moment. Have your long running wu's done anything at all, ie. is the percentage done above zero?

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 6951 )
Posted 1744 days ago by Profile adrianxw
Looks like the task runs, ie. the "to completion" drops, but when it gets to the end, it doesn't stop.

Actually, watching it, I'm not sure that is true. It looks like some "normal" wu's are coming also. These led me to suspect the case above, but I can see the percentage done increasing on those ones.

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error

( Message 6947 )
Posted 1744 days ago by Profile adrianxw
0% prgress after lengthy runs, (up to 21 hours for example), no new tasks set.

1m0b1htf_mod0014crossdockinghiv1_42034_236751_0 for example.

Looks like the task runs, ie. the "to completion" drops, but when it gets to the end, it doesn't stop.

Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting work

( Message 6742 )
Posted 1915 days ago by Profile adrianxw
When BOINC got no choice but to do a Docking or leave a core idle, it did download one. There must be something screwy with the work fetch parameters.

Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting work

( Message 6740 )
Posted 1916 days ago by Profile adrianxw
I have set all other projects to no new tasks and it is running down at the moment, if that fails, I'll try.

Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting work

( Message 6729 )
Posted 1917 days ago by Profile adrianxw

No, I hadn't but I have now!

Machine is still free of Docking units though, says not requesting, which is odd. Ah well...

Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting work

( Message 6724 )
Posted 1920 days ago by Profile adrianxw
This machine, which has 30% quota set is not getting any Docking work. Other machines are. I can see that there are server issues right now, but this has been the case for a while now.

Work fetch is enabled, or so it seems at least. I used to be able to see what was going on by looking at the messages when I clicked update for the project, but I made the mistake of upgrading to the latest BOINC, and cannot do that any more.

Message boards : Number crunching : A Personal Milestone

( Message 6714 )
Posted 1928 days ago by Profile adrianxw
Passed 1 million this morning.

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