Members of Boinc@Denmark

Name Total credit Recent average credit Country
1) Anders Nielsen 3,407,631 0.09 International
2) Profile adrianxw [Founder] 1,669,741 0.07 Denmark
3) The Beef 1,669,080 0.08 Denmark
4) Mickey Luigi Logitmark 1,654,396 0.06 Denmark
5) Soulfly 389,870 0.06 Denmark
6) Kim Schreiber 371,096 0.06 Denmark
7) Jens Klausen 298,488 0.08 Denmark
8) jackjack 163,873 0.07 Denmark
9) Profile kim-b-h 159,629 0.07 Denmark
10) Kandersen 100,489 0.05 Denmark
11) Lugaru 75,721 0.06 Denmark
12) Profile Simon Thomsen 69,153 0.09 Denmark
13) MagPet 25,838 0.08 Denmark
14) orhoj 25,291 0.06 Denmark
15) Profile JohnMD 24,589 0.09 Denmark
16) napsi 24,539 0.08 Denmark
17) Daniel 10,305 0.06 International
18) Claus 8,783 0.08 Denmark
19) Daniel_Klinge 7,376 0.08 Denmark
20) PaturDC 7,097 0.08 International
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