Profile: Scientific Frontline

Your personal background.

Our Purpose / Goal is a simple one, to educate and inform the latest in science and technological research through complete dissemination.

Too often the research that is published in "for profit" news agencies are watered down to save or make room for their main goal, profit through advertising. One must hurdle through the maze of advertising to reach the end of an article. Their goal is to pull you away from what your objective was, being educated and informed... and to forward you to a profit making ad.

With this lack of fully intended information from the source, one can not only lose valuable details, but can and do on a daily basis make critical decisions based on what one thought they had learned.

Science news agencies should have an obligation to present the information complete and intact as the originated source had intended. The writers for the information released usually work closely with or are part of the research. Their insight and personal contact can not be duplicated, they are on the "Scientific Frontline" of the research. They deserve the respect to have their press release kept intact.

Science news reporting has become a "fast food" service, and we intend to remain a "gourmet restaurant."

Some of this has to do with what started out to be a marvelous service, social bookmarking. Yet this has become a quality devastating game of finding what looks and sounds interesting first to score points with members. News agencies have locked in on this concept for gaining traffic.

So in order to compete, they cut the articles to serve it up fast in hopes of pulling in traffic and advertising dollars. Science reporting shouldn't be a part of this game, or better yet those that participate in these social bookmarking sites should demand quality before speed. They actually could change the face of news sites... they have that much influence on traffic.

We at Scientific Frontline on a daily basis make contact with researchers to collect the latest information available, clarify any conflicts of information, and gather more information that may be open to public disclosure.

Our dissemination of research, and scientific information remains complete... other then minor editing with additional information and improved presentation for ease of reading and navigation, what's presented is "complete, accurate, and up to date."

We may not have it all, but what we do offer... is just simply done right!

Our funding is supplied by donations from our readers and non intrusive advertising that remains out of the article content. We had made that promise from the beginning to our readers regarding advertising and have maintained steadfast. We hope one day and will get sponsorship that will allow us to pull all advertising. This is one of our goals and commitments we will keep. Note: On March 03, 2008 Scientific Frontline achieved another goal, and in returned honored a promise to our readers See: No More Advertising
Heidi-Ann Kennedy
Scientific Frontline
SFL ORG. Educational News Network

Our History:
SFL ORG. News Network was originally created in 2004 as a small print publication known at that time just as SFL ORG. Which was a supplement for some SETI disturbing computing members. SFL ORG. Stood for "Search for Life" at that time. Due to the need to distribute the publication in a more timely manor, "Search for Life" went to the internet with a 10MB site.

The owner operator Heidi-Ann Kennedy, of the print and internet publication had been in the print media business for 28 years, producing from small to medium size full color publications throughout the State of Oklahoma.

Ms. Kennedy with a fascination and unquenchable thirst for scientific knowledge decided to step up the publication.

In 2005 the name changed and Scientific Frontline was born. Today maintaining a 300,000MB website. Featuring the latest scientific research from major universities and government agencies from around the world.

Scientific Frontline had quickly gained the respect from researchers and scientists, being entrusted with privileged information and personal one on one contact on a daily basis.

Today Scientific Frontline® is syndicated through five major outlets, and part of the global syndication of the Voxant Viral Syndication network and The Google News Network. Scientific Frontline articles are featured on a daily basis on Reuters, USA Today, Discovery, Fox News, and recognized by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

Yet even with the increased abilities to disseminate information in a timely manor, a constant struggle to spread the word has prevailed. This being mainly due to Scientific Frontline® being personally funded. The internet is a hard media to move to the front without sufficient funding.

Scientific Frontline® for the most part is maintained by five individuals, with everything being approved and finalized by Ms. Kennedy herself. Nothing comes in or out without being fully read, researched, and understood. "We are not here just to disseminate information, but to understand what is placed on the site." Ms Kennedy said, "This is the only way we can truly help direct our readers, that desire further information."

"We are constantly evolving, changing, and trying out new features in order to better serve our readers" said Ms. Kennedy.

Unfortunately the future of Scientific Frontline was uncertain, Ms Kennedy in 2006 was diagnosed with an incurable, and for the most part a non-treatable disease Pulmonary Fibrosis. "We are looking for someone to take the publication over when the time comes, I just don’t want it to become an ad infested publication." Ms. Kennedy said. "It is a struggle sometimes to get information out at times, I have rules about what is published... I just can't always maintain the way it needs to be, but I will continue to run Scientific Frontline till my last breath is taken."

In 2007 Amanda Fourkiller acquired ownership and all trademarks rights of Scientific Frontline with the hopes to maintain this publication that Ms. Kennedy has devoted her life too. Ms. Kennedy still maintains full control over content, operations, and design of Scientific Frontline.

"What I see sometime saddens yet amazes me at the same time" said Sara Thompson, (media / public relations of Scientific Frontline) I have seen Ms Kennedy sitting there gasping for breath while preparing an article and pass out falling to the floor, just to get up and pick-up the phone to join in on a media conference with NASA." said Sara, "It is a dedication that could never be truly understood or respected by those on the other side of the screen."

Scientific Frontline
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