Profile: Michele ANSALDI

Your personal background.
23/03/2004 Me and my daughter Alicia in front of our house in Holguìn (Cuba)
I am born the 11/21/1958, helicopter pilot and flight instructor but since 2002 I am retired, I fly only for pleasure now! Currently my job is chairman of 2 Companies, the first one is "Airlift S.r.l works with helicopters) and the second is "ItaRus" an italian company of import-export and advising between Russian federation and Italy and viceversa.
I am married in Cuba with Denice and we have "la niña màs bonita y cariña del mundo", Alicia, she is born at home in Castellamonte (Turin) Italy the 01/24/2003. I love her, she is my life!!!

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